Links: Brands, Models and Catalogs
- Aria Pro II
- Aria Pro-II (includes the rare MK- and EG-Modells)
- Electra : Hier gibt's alles über die legendären und innovativen Electra-Gitarren: Vorstellung der Modelle, Kataloge, Forum und zahlreiche Infos über die MPC-Gitarren
- Electric Guitars made in Japan (Text in Japanese) : Tolle Bilder und Infos über fast alle großen Marken made in Japan
- El-Maya
- Fresher
- Gibson 1978
- Greco 70's & 80's Part 1
- Greco 70's & 80's Part 2
- Greco Part 3
- Ibanez
- Kramer 1979
- Kawai : includes pics of the rare Moonsault!
- Kasuga (Scorpion-Series)
- Matsumoku Fan-Page
- Matsumoku Guitars (Trevor's collection of guitars and catalogs) : Trevor's Matsumoku Guitar collection. With high quality pictures of his guitars and a fantastic collection of brochures. If you are looking for amazing catalog-scans, then you will find them here. A Must See!
- Matsumoku History (japanese Text, al lot of cool pictures!) : Japanese Site with interesting pics of Matsumoku
- Vintage-Guitars from Germany and Japan
- Washburn Fan-Page (Wing-Series)
- Westone
- Westone Fan-Page : Interessante Seite über die Vintage-Gitarren von Westone (made in Japan)
- Yamaha